writer : ac
学校にも行けず、母マリアさんがホームスクールをしているシンバラシェ君。医師には最初、「線維性骨異形成症」との診断を受けたが、3歳の時に悪性腫瘍「骨肉腫」に転化し、腫瘍はますます巨大化した(『Gloucestershire Live 「‘People say my nephew is cursed - but he needs help or he will die’」(Image: Violet Makunike(C)SWNS)』より)
柔らかい食事しか受け付けず、飲み込むことが大変で、今では話すこともほとんどできないというシンバラシェ君。視界も狭く、服を着るにも助けが必要だという(『Gloucestershire Live 「‘People say my nephew is cursed - but he needs help or he will die’」(Image: Violet Makunike(C)SWNS)』より)
悪性腫瘍が原因で、幼い頃から「呪われている」と恐れられ、学校にも行けずにいるシンバラシェ君(『Gloucestershire Live 「‘People say my nephew is cursed - but he needs help or he will die’」(Image: Violet Makunike(C)SWNS)』より)
@hope.for.zimbabwe Simbarashe eating mango . For those asking how he eats , this is how he eats. 10/05/24 We are kindly seeking for help and funds for second attempt surgery for tumour stricken 9 year old Simbarashe Dande Simbarashe, a 9 year old boy from rural Murehwa, Zimbabwe, grapples with maxillofacial osteosarcoma , a tumour that has engulfed his mouth and nostril, leaving him in constant agony. His father passed away in 2019, shortly after Simbarashe ‘s first surgery in South Africa aimed at combating the aggressive tumour. Simbarashe's mother, Maria, struggles to make ends meet as she tends to her son's needs. The relentless growth of the tumour has distorted Simbarashe's face, nose, and eye, hindering his ability to speak, eat well and breathe. In 2019, Hope for Zimbabwe Children facilitated Simbarashe's journey to South Africa for surgery, but despite the removal of a portion of the tumour, the operation proved unsuccessful. He therefore needs second surgery. He currently uses a tracheostomy which aids him in breathing. We are urgently seeking financial assistance to fund Simbarashe's second surgery, preferably in a developed nation or any facility capable of providing the necessary medical care. You help will be greatly appreciated #hopeforzimbabwechildren #simbarashedande#murehwa#childrenhealth #cancerinchildren #healthyfruits#mango #motivationalvideo #motivationalquotes #motivationalspeech #worshipmusic #churchsongs #borndifferent #uktiktok #uktiktokers#ukdonors #ukphilanthropists #helpforchildren #zimbabwechildren #tiktokzimbabwe #tiktokusa #hopeforchildren #amazingchild #healthyliving #goviralontiktok #tiktokviralvideos #fyp #fypviral #foryourpage #creatorsearchinsights #prayerwarriors #africatiktokers #southafricatiktokers#ilovetiktok #charitywork #charityshop #breakingnews #worldnews #orphans#godisgood #thankyou ♬ Very Sad - Enchan