命懸けで犬猫を連れ出した動物保護活動家の男性(画像は『The Sun 2021年8月27日付「SAFE AT LAST Pen Farthing and his rescue dogs WILL board evacuation jet after being plucked to safety by Brit army at Kabul airport」(Credit: (C)Jerome Starkey 2021)』のスクリーンショット)
無事イギリスに到着も場合によっては殺処分も(画像は『The Sun 2021年8月27日付「SAFE AT LAST Pen Farthing and his rescue dogs WILL board evacuation jet after being plucked to safety by Brit army at Kabul airport」(Credit: (C)Jerome Starkey 2021)』のスクリーンショット)