海外発!Breaking News

writer : tinsight-iruy

【海外発!Breaking News】子ガモの“父親代わり”になった大型犬、優しい眼差しで見守る姿が「まるで映画のよう」(ニュージーランド)<動画あり>







@life.of.duck Update: Our first 48 hrs were critical. We lost most of the ducks due to a bacterial illlness from the stream they were in. There are 3 that are strong are getting better everyday. Vet said this is the reason Mum would have “rejected” them all was due to this illness . We have been providing proper nutrients and clean water everyday. The 3 that are getting stronger are finally walking around better and eating more ❤️ The ducklings were being watching all day and mum never showed up. There was already one duckling that was gone it being winter now my partner decided to bring them home to the warmth. We dont know what happened with mum but its duck hunting season #ducks #newzealand ♬ original sound – welcome

画像は『Teddy Zoom Zoom 2023年7月24日付TikTok「I think we can learn something from animals」、2023年7月9日付TikTok「Update: Our first 48 hrs were critical.」』のスクリーンショット
(TechinsightJapan編集部 iruy)

子ガモたちがご飯を食べている時も、風呂場で水浴びをしている時も、眠っている時も常に見守っているベン。同居猫が近づくと、吠えて追い払うという(画像は『Teddy Zoom Zoom 2023年7月9日付TikTok「Update: Our first 48 hrs were critical.」』のスクリーンショット)

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