writer : ac
生後3か月で捨てられた栄養失調の子犬“ルー”が最初に懐いたゴールデン・レトリバーの“ダーウィン”。フワフワの被毛に包まれて癒されているよう(『kbevacqua TikTok「Darwin seems to just be a therapy dog at this point.」』より)
気温が30度を超える暑さの中、水も餌もない状態で数日放置され、栄養失調で骨が浮き出ていたルー。餌とサプリメント、犬用の経口補水液を与えられて回復していった(『kbevacqua TikTok「Wow! A lot of people here and that means the world.」』より)
ダーウィンは最初の頃、ルーが被毛の上に乗ろうとすると嫌がって唸り声を上げていたが、次第にルーを受け入れたという(『kbevacqua TikTok「Darwin seems to just be a therapy dog at this point.」』より)
安心して眠るルー。ダーウィンはルーにとってセラピードッグのような存在だという(『kbevacqua TikTok「Replying to @JustWatchinThatsAll」』より)
@kbevacqua Darwin seems to just be a therapy dog at this point. All of our fosters want his approval but this little girl seems to be taking to him even more than others. She seeks him out when its nap time so that she can curl up in his fur. It took a few days for him to warm up to the idea, but he is finally coming around. #foster #fosterpuppy #adoptme #adoptdontshop #dog #rescuedog ♬ A Summer Place - Hollywood Strings Orchestra