
writer : tinsight-ikumi







お互いの身体に腕を回し、仲良く寄り添うドリアさんとティナさん。ドリアさんは昨年、ビヨンセのコンサートを楽しむ姿が目撃された(『The Kinsey Collection Instagram「The Kinsey family was honored to partner with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to host an event on March 21st at the Kinsey Collection Exhibition at Sofi Stadium at Hollywood Park.」』より)




画像は『The Duke and Duchess of Sussex Instagram「This evening, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended #TheLionKing European premiere in London at the Odeon Theatre.」』『The Kinsey Collection Instagram「The Kinsey family was honored to partner with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to host an event on March 21st at the Kinsey Collection Exhibition at Sofi Stadium at Hollywood Park.」』より
(TechinsightJapan編集部 寺前郁美)

キンゼイ夫妻とハグを交わすヘンリー王子夫妻。イベントは「アーチウェル財団」とのパートナーシップで実現した(『The Kinsey Collection Instagram「The Kinsey family was honored to partner with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to host an event on March 21st at the Kinsey Collection Exhibition at Sofi Stadium at Hollywood Park.」』より)

バーナード・キンゼイ氏と対話するメーガン妃。握手をしながら、笑顔で何やら話している様子だ(『The Kinsey Collection Instagram「The Kinsey family was honored to partner with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to host an event on March 21st at the Kinsey Collection Exhibition at Sofi Stadium at Hollywood Park.」』より)

展示された絵画を鑑賞するメーガン妃。キンゼイ夫妻が長年にわたり収集した、貴重なコレクションだ(『The Kinsey Collection Instagram「The Kinsey family was honored to partner with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to host an event on March 21st at the Kinsey Collection Exhibition at Sofi Stadium at Hollywood Park.」』より)

会場で着席するヘンリー王子とメーガン妃。夫妻はこの日のイベントのホストを務めた(『The Kinsey Collection Instagram「The Kinsey family was honored to partner with The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to host an event on March 21st at the Kinsey Collection Exhibition at Sofi Stadium at Hollywood Park.」』より)

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