ウィリアム王子、一家で初のレッドカーペット(画像は『Duke and Duchess of Cambridge 2020年12月11日付Instagram「The Duke and Duchess and their family attended a special pantomime performance of The National Lottery’s Pantoland at The Palladium, which was held to thank key workers and their families for their phenomenal efforts this year.」』のスクリーンショット)
ロイヤルボックスからショーを鑑賞した一家(画像は『Duke and Duchess of Cambridge 2020年12月11日付Instagram「The Duke and Duchess and their family attended a special pantomime performance of The National Lottery’s Pantoland at The Palladium, which was held to thank key workers and their families for their phenomenal efforts this year.」』のスクリーンショット)
ウィリアム王子の右手は手持ち無沙汰に…(画像は『Duke and Duchess of Cambridge 2020年12月11日付Instagram』のスクリーンショット)
パパにピッタリ寄り添うシャーロット王女(画像は『Duke and Duchess of Cambridge 2020年12月11日付Instagram』のスクリーンショット)
キーワーカーと交流する場面も(画像は『Duke and Duchess of Cambridge 2020年12月11日付Instagram「The Duke and Duchess and their family attended a special pantomime performance of The National Lottery’s Pantoland at The Palladium, which was held to thank key workers and their families for their phenomenal efforts this year.」』のスクリーンショット)
舞台裏でパフォーマー達と談笑するウィリアム王子&キャサリン妃(画像は『Duke and Duchess of Cambridge 2020年12月11日付Instagram「The Duke and Duchess and their family attended a special pantomime performance of The National Lottery’s Pantoland at The Palladium, which was held to thank key workers and their families for their phenomenal efforts this year.」』のスクリーンショット)