レストランで笑顔を見せる3歳の女の子(画像は『Vanlam Nguyen 2020年1月26日付Facebook「We as a family love to brunch at J.Wilson’s in Beaumont a lot on Sundays...but when Adelaide became ill in July, we could not eat out in public any more as a family.」』のスクリーンショット)
家族と一緒に食事を楽しんだアデレードちゃん(画像は『Vanlam Nguyen 2020年1月26日付Facebook「We as a family love to brunch at J.Wilson’s in Beaumont a lot on Sundays...but when Adelaide became ill in July, we could not eat out in public any more as a family.」』のスクリーンショット)